How disconnected do you feel from r/GenZ?

Myself I do recognize most Mid 00’s nostalgia in r/Zillennials, but I just take a look at that sub sometimes I don’t comment anymore. ( I used to a little bit last year, but got tired of feeling rubbed the wrong way by certain users ) To me it’s clear some obviously do have some type of superiority complex, regardless of what they would say. If you’ve looked on there recently within the past week or so, all they’ve been doing is making posts about how awful Gen Z & 00’s babies are. There’s hardly even any posts about nostalgia anymore. ( Btw a lot throw a fit if there’s 1 post on r/GenZ talking about Millennials, which there hasn’t been for a very long time )

Certain users always feel the need to comment on how much better people they think they are for being Early 00’s kids. I notice the same one’s on other subs feel the need to “correct us” people born in 2000-2001 about the culture of 2005-2006 almost every time we describe actual memories we have of those years, yet people born in 97-98 can go on freely about the culture of 2001-2002 all the time.

/r/EarlyGenZ Thread Parent