How do you feel about sbmm in control?

Update: Have now played 21 (supposedly?) SBMM-enabled games this evening and still feel like there's little to no difference versus how the game has felt over the past couple of seasons for me

My SBMM Control experience in cold hard numbers after 21 SBMM enabled games this evening. Last season overall versus this season so far:

Compared to last season's overall stats, my KD is down slightly (1.8 to 1.48) but my win/loss percent is essentially identical at ~65%

I'm positive everyone's mileage will vary based on many factors like platform (I'm on console [Xbox Series X] and wouldn't be surprised if SBMM caused bigger issues on PC with the lower non-crossplay population), region, which bucket the SBMM places them, etc, but for my own experience the numbers match how it felt, which was that it felt about the same as the last couple of seasons and had Bungie never said anything I wouldn't have noticed any difference (and given the false start on SBMM not being enabled yesterday I'm still halfway skeptical that anything changed)

If less hardcore PvP players are feeling any breathing room at all from the SBMM I'd say big success. I'm not feeling any significant negative impact yet (ymmv).

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