So... how we feeling about Saints Row 4 now?

Here’s the thing; can you have fun in this game? Certainly, but it’s very clearly behind the curve in so many ways. You can enjoy the game while also demanding more in 2022. The dated animations, performance, bugs, sub-par models, monotonous activities, terrible ai, inconsistent storytelling and voice acting, shoddy action sequences, etc. Games have come a long way since SR3 and Volition has learned nothing. Why is this game even a reboot? It barely introduces any new concepts to the formula, right down to the icons.

I’ve had some fun playing the game, but I have no desire to ever play it again. The only reason I even finished it was because I spent $80 on it.

I know I’ll probably get lambasted for talking poorly of the game here, but we should expect more from our full-priced games; not a rush job that feels like a remaster from 15 years ago.

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