How do you love yourself?

The negative head game! I played that for years. It takes time to re train yourself and your thinking. Just as i treat people kindly, so i will treat myself. If my friend made a mistake, i just forget about it and go on with things. I dont throw it in his or her face over and over again. So why do that to myself? I have worth and i treat myself carefully. Sometimes, if budget allows, i get myself a little something. A little trinket or whatnot that makes me happy. I got all this silly bejeweled bling for inside my car! I love it! It makes me happy! The whole world may think it is stupid but i love it.

You do not "autocorrect". You are "auto in-correcting"!! A new way of thinking takes time. Allow yourself ten minutes a day of negativity. That is it. When the negative chatter starts in your mind after the ten minutes for the day is used up, say that you will think about it tomorrow.

Treat yourself kindly. Go and do something you enjoy.

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