How do you make new friends when you are in your late 30s?

I was in the same boat a few years ago. Here are some things I did:

Signed up for a community ed ceramics class. Then took another the next term etc. Any art or skills learning class could work for this. As you go on term to term a lot of the people in your class will move along with you. Artists are sometimes quiet but often friendly. Taking an improv class will have an even faster effect as theater people are friendly and outgoing. In fact, scratch art class take an improv class. You will have TONS of fun even if theater isn't your thing.

Start hosting. It can be as simple as a backyard fire (people love this and it's a great way to casually get to know each other) invite anyone you know and tell them to bring a friend. Do this once a month and folks will really start looking forward to it. You'll also be facilitating new friendships for others too. Now they'll think of you as a cornerstone to their social life. Bang! You're getting invited everywhere. You can also host an event outside the home. Like a beach day BBQ.

Another great way to meet people, especially if you have a little extra dough is to host a theme party. For example, find some local artists, jewelers, ceramicists etc and host and afternoon (doesn't have to be at your home but it's better if it can be) where they showcase and sell their wares. Print invites. Give them to EVERYONE you know. If nothing else you will have made a friend in the artist.

Art in general is a great way to meet people. Find your local gallery listings and start going to openings. Ask questions. Come back to the next one.

My best piece of advice is to offer unsolicited information about yourself to anyone you get a good vibe from. Just start talking. Say your in a hat store, tell someone they look good in what they're trying on. Then tell a funny story you might have about a buying a silky hat or losing one off a roller coaster or whatever. Most people are shy. Be the brave one. Ask them questions and folks will feel encouraged and comfortable getting to know you.

5 years ago I moved to a new city. Had ZERO friends. Now, after doing these very things, I have TONS of friends here. To the pint where I have to turn down invitations and manage my schedule way more. It's fucking awesome!

Remember, be brave. Make the first move. Almost no one will ever be annoyed or rude. And if they are? You don't need them as a friend. Good luck!

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