When our house was being built, my dad asked the electricians to put an outlet on the side of the house for stuff like holiday lights, and they actually did it.

Am electrician, this is NOT code. A weatherproof box and cover could be installed, maybe use some Sealtite or an LB, but this? No.

Why is this important? Because should something happen with this abomination of an outlet, i.e. a fire, electrical shock, etc, your father's homeowners insurance now has the ability to deny payments in case of damage or total loss. If another service technician were to be harmed by this, your father could be liable.

He needs to have this removed and replaced to be compliant and protect himself and his asset. It shouldn't be terribly expensive to fix, but it will DEFINITELY be less expensive than a lawsuit or the cost of replacing a home.

/r/lifehacks Thread Link - i.redd.it