How to Not Feel Guilty for Studying Abroad?

I have plans on studying abroad with my best friend which we had dreamt about ever since we were in elementary but since we have different priorities and also different financial means I feel very guilty when I'm focused applying for schools while she's kind of set on staying in the country. (She still wants it though, but I guess she is just having doubts with her luck) I promised her I would pay for whatever she needs financially like plane tickets or application fees but the main problem is her tuition fees which I sadly cannot afford, the money I have earned on my own is enough for my needs and some of hers which I'm happy to give to her if it meant we would pursue our dreams together.

With this being said, I can totally relate to you in a personal way. I feel like I will always have the biggest guilt if ever I get an opportunity to study abroad and she gets left behind. I know I can't force people and try to drag her into applying, but I feel extremely guilty if there ever comes a time of leaving her behind. We are both females in a strictly religious country so I guess that's one of the hugest motivation for us.

/r/studyAbroad Thread