This is how one combats religious zealots that infest state government

Show where biologists dictate that life begins.

Crime rates didn’t drop. They just made something not illegal. That’s like saying crime rates would drop because robbery is no longer considered a crime. Robbery doesn’t stop, people just aren’t prosecuted for it any longer. You can’t say something stopped happening because they simply stopped keeping track.

Who said anything about a theocracy? I’m not even religious. However there are base moral structures of the republic in which the United States was formed that are principled in religion. That’s infringement upon what? You don’t have a natural right to contraception. Sorry, you don’t. The same way you don’t have a right to healthcare of any form. There is no healthcare in nature and thus you don’t have a right to it.

I think by hemp you mean cannabis, not hemp. Again, you need to look to the federal government to remove drug scheduling and stop incentivizing it’s criminalization. Then you can complain about what is and isn’t illegal in specific states. Federal supersedes state. Thus it doesn’t matter what is legal in Tennessee it’s still illegal federally. You’re again finding issues with religion where there isn’t any. Problems with drugs don’t come from religion they come from the federal government that have convinced people it’s the religious that have an issue with it. Tennessee will be one of the last states to legalize cannabis because the people of Tennessee don’t want to turn out to be like California or Colorado with an open drug scene and homeless people draining public resources.

As for your last comment, I will again point you to seeing religion where it is not. Do you assume conservative values and religious sensibilities are the same thing?

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