How do you want to go out?

Going to sleep and not waking up wouldn’t be bad.

My preference, however, is to be in nature. My wife and I have talked about this, that once we’re old and they want to take us to a nursing home or something, we’ll get the hell out of dodge and go camping out in the woods where no one can find us until we succumb to nature. The absolute worst nightmare for me would be to die in a hospital bed, my last flickers of life experiencing doctors, pain meds, and beeping. I want to experience the cool mountain breeze on my face, the sounds of the trees, the smell of pristine nature. The last thing I ever see to be a majestic range of snow-capped mountains.

That to me is dying with dignity. Not propped up by medics devices until my weary body can take it no longer and gives up.

/r/nihilism Thread