How should I cert a camping canister harasser?

-Thermal -Mag Size

-Racer or Scrapper -Stealth or Radar (Comp if you are doing drive bys in crowded areas) -Fire Sup

Extra which may or may not apply: Tips for solo harassing/driving Fyi camping canister harassers are nice, but make sure you are ready to move at all times don't get too comfortable because they will bring out the big guns. More techincally, driving in and out of prime spots and repairing from damage is preferable to sitting in one spot because you're not a sitting duck, but if the terrain allows for it then you are good to go sitting in one spot.

-Canister has no spread it's laser accurate so don't rely on spread to make up for bad aiming. Keep the dot on the target at all times and aim for head if possible it kills faster.

-If you know you're driving into a difficult situation, drive in ass backwards first so you can get out quicker.

-Goes in tandem with driving in reverse to dangerous situations: Always have an escape route planned. It cuts down on driving time.

-Speaking of establishing escape routes, pairing up your route with tank mines in case someones gives chase is a great idea, and a reason for utility pouch to get those 5 tank mines because if you don't get them in a choke point you can always spread them out over large areas and still protect your escape routes.

-Especially if you are not moving for more than a few seconds, either you or your gunner should be scanning all the areas if there is no radar. Without radar you are C4 bait, and believe me they are more than happy to oblige blowing you up when all it takes is one stick. I suggest moving around a lot and not getting too comfortable in one spot, but if you can't resist be paranoid. It's not paranoia if they're actually trying to kill you.

-Don't reload often. This is where mag size comes into play. You're gonna regret constantly reloading after killing 1 guy (which is where they canister shines) and 3-4 guys pop up and you're stuck on reload. I would rather keep 6-8 shots ready unreloaded if I know there's a lot of dudes then reloading constantly. It also depends on the situation.

-Don't waste your time on MAX's unless you know they're not wearing Flak 5 armor and/or you will be able to dump each shot into their head. In most cases 1 canister clip will not kill it only injure it. Definitely aim for the head.

  • It's great vs. ESF's. There is some leading to do in this case.

-1 mag size will not kill another harasser in most cases. If you know the crew is competant, don't engage unless engaged upon. If you do have to do battle, do not wait for the reload after the 1st clip. Reload on the go and if he chases then fight back. Otherwise live to fight another day.

-Definitely tweak your mouse sensitivities for this gun. I would recommend to go to more stiff/lower settings. Too sensitive will throw your aim off because your aiming reticule (that small dot) is not much help.

-Any 2 rockets that hit and you better start backin off. With 1 you better finish up that last thing before you get hit again, but you're still ok.

-Pick a spot to repair that is out of Line of sight of anything in the area even if you are heavily damaged, and be wary of the cloaked flashes (wraiths) that may be stalking you and hoping to score a kill whilst you are repairing and are caught off guard.

-Make it a rule that your gunner not get out and repair and that he actually cover you while repairing precisely because of wraiths, unless you need the extra rep, but in this case he should only help to get it back to 50%ish and then get back in the gun and cover you while you finish the job.

-The Canister from the gunner's perspective can look down or up more easily than the PPA or marauder, so if you are peaking over a precipice, keep in mind as a driver you don't have to position your harasser to look all the way down to get a good angle. This is a unique trait for this gun use it to your advantage, especially when peering/peeking over things.

-EOD HUD implant works, but only if you're crawling at low speeds. Don't expect it to save your life if you're going really fast.

/r/harasser Thread