How to stop feeling lonely?

Once I imagined my younger self, all my younger selves. The brain is a time machine in a way, so I travel back in time to see myself when I was a teenager. I imagined different points of myself standing in line one year after the other, and I was looking left to the younger versions of me, and then offering them all the understanding that they were lacking, listening to all their prayers, validating their worries, I listen. One day I realized that I could look right. I mean I can't but I could imagine that I could. Most certainly there's someone looking from there right now. There stand all the future versions of me. Maybe someones holding the hand of one of them, who knows. Two asteroids that are in collision course are completely unaware they'll find each other until it happens.

The other day I found this song and I like it. You ain't alone - Alabama Shakes. I don't know if it's the sort of music you like, but its a form of virtual hug. So there's that.

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