How violent were the Troubles in Northern Ireland? (x - post from r/history

See, I found him. Europeans deserve to get murdered and raped everybody, because some European men done something bad in the past. You heard it everybody, its OK to blame and tar all Europeans for a past crime committed by a European, but not ok to blame all Africans for African problems.

Pro EU Voters = joytech84 = he believes white guilt propaganda about Europeans being bad in the past = he believes Europe deserves it = he believes modern day Europeans deserve to raped and murdered, because some people in the past who shared the same skin colour once committed crimes.

Someone in the past who happened to have white skin, maybe committed a crime = white people deserve their comeuppance

Blacks in the past enslaved all of Africa, murdered hundreds of millions of Africans 'nothing to see here, move along', currently enslaving 30 million Africans

Islam enslave 30 million Africans and Europeans, castrate them to avoid reproduction, invades Europe 3 times, kills hundreds of millions, terrorizes the world, their leader anally raped a 9 year old and admitted to raping many more and genociding millions 'nothing to see here, dont mention anything bad about Islam, theyre innocent individuals'

Asians invade and murder hundreds of millions of eachothers, khmer rogue, mongolian, japanese empire, burma 'dont dare be racist against asians'

Spics wrecked south america and enslaved 11 million blacks to South America 'dont be racist to spics or South Americans'

'Europeans invaded places and murdered people!11 I seen it in that film once that showed those bad white guys invading and killing!! wtf i hate white people now!! EU deserves more blacks and arab murders and rapes because of what they done in the past!!!'

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