How do your races show that THEY are in charge?


Arcani (technically) would not need symbols of authority, if they would be alone (and properly made). They know who obeys who, who created who; Who leads the nation, who cleans the floor. However the presence of mortals makes it necessary to have such things. (And due the many imperfections among themselves).

The first symbol is being an Arcani. They consider themselves superior to basically everything. Every Human, Azartuz or Beastman in the Dominion must serve them. Refusal is not advised, considering every of your overlords individually worths 100 non-magic-users or 10 mid level mages.

The second is orichalum. This bronze-like, magical conductive metal is very rare and reserved for the mightiest individuals. Amater, the magister-king has a full set of armor, a sword and a staff. The members of the council usually have boots, gauntlets and a sword. Lesser Arcani and greater humans have only minor trinkets like a ring. If a non-Arcani has a such item they rarely stay mortal for too long time.

Disobedience is often rewarded with swift death. This wouldn't be that bad if they wouldn't sustain themselves with the mana from your soul. Anger them and you will be sent to Shi Ati. And you don't want to be sent there.

/r/FantasyWorldbuilding Thread