I tested positive for Chlamdyia but my partner tested negative?

I never comment on posts however I felt I had to with this one. My fiancée and I were virgins when we started dating. Throughout our relationship we always had unprotected sex since I am on the Depo shot. I started having severe pain near my ovaries, especially during sex, so I went to my doctor. The tests came back positive for chlamydia and immediately my doctor accused him of cheating or not being honest about his past. I asked numerous times to be honest and that I would forgive him but he never wavered. So when my partners test came back negative we were even more confused. It turns out that even Catholic nuns- who have never had sex- can contract chlamydia. No one knows how or why but it does happen! I’m thankful that it happened because my fiancée never once questioned me even when he had a right to. It showed me how much faith he has in me

/r/sex Thread