HSP parents

Are you married? Or single? I think it comes down to parenting together and making it work as a couple if you’re married. How does your partner help? I think it’s paramount that you have time to yourself and your partner should be able to give you that from time to time.

My daughters are 7 and 5. I was overwhelmed incredibly for so long. I couldn’t get it together with my wife. We got divorced and now I have my daughters 50% of the time. It’s ideal for me. I get to give them 100% when they are with me and then they are with their mom for a full week and I recharge.

It’s really challenging with kids. They NEED you. They need you to be present. I was told by my daughter’s therapist that secure attachment occurs when you are present 40% of the time. You don’t need to be with them 100% of the time but I also know you have other things (like chores around the house).

If you’re doing it all on your own and your partner isn’t helping resentment will set in and ruin your relationship. Get on the same page and share responsibility when you can. Two people taking care of a child should allow you an opportunity to take a moment to yourself.

/r/hsp Thread