I think I get all the past(?) hate for the tier 10 TD's now.

Jg E 100 should be played as a heavy. It's an E 100 with a bit more alpha and more pen, but has a slower reload and a fixed turret (along with a cupola which is easier to hit). It camping isn't any more problematic than a heavy tank camping. If you think the Jg is OP then... You've got it very wrong.

The death star is a pile of shit now -- unreliable armour, HESH that can't pen shit except sides of meds and even then tracks are in the way, with AP it's pretty much a Jg with a slower reload, the accuracy is fucking horrible, etc. It's pretty much a Jg with a worse gun, worse armour, and is slower than the Jg.

Waffle E 100 is unbalanced as fuck as it can clip any tank in the game, but it literally has no upsides to it except the gun which works half the time. It pisses you off after clipping you/doing massive damage (as it rarely actually clips another tier 10 due to bouncing a shot/missing a shot making it unable to do so) understandably, but the waffle then dies as it has no camo, speed, armour, huge profile, loses it's gun as soon as it gets shot which is useless when reloading anyway, it's hard to stay invisible with the worst camo in the game and WG's deforestation program, scouts are usually incompetent and suicide, team rarely backs you up when reloading, etc. so the waffle player usually dies after emptying a clip, meaning they're pissed off too. I personally can't wait til the waffle is removed, purely so I can have a different tank in my garage which is hopefully actually good instead of just unbalanced.

You then have TD's regarded as the worst tier 10's in the game such as the Foch 155 and Obj 704.

If you wanna complain about a class, complain about arty which can 1 shot you from across the map, or miss you and still do 1K damage when you can't shoot back, or specific OP tanks instead of an entire class

/r/WorldofTanks Thread