I think I am racist

Iowa is better than much of the midwest, but from my experience with a lot of towns in Iowa, there's so much less mixing of races than even in the south. I know you have a lot less black people, but in most urban cities in America, your skin color has very little to do with what "tribe" you identify with.

No one likes to be labeled, but we all do fit into labels, some stereotypical and some not. You fit into a bunch yourself--some you're pleased with an some you're not. Find out what labels fit with someone, because if you're assuming you know anything about them based on their race, you're going to miss out on so much more people have to offer.

Dating aside, remember that a gigantic number of "white guy" stereotypes about you totally apply and totally don't. The fact that those steroetypes exist aren't helpful in the slightest to understand what type of guy you are or what sort of culture or tribes you identify with.

Skin color is not an interest. Race is not an indicator of anything but melatonin. Race is not a culture. The amount of melatonin does have a genetic basis, it is literally skin deep.

A doctor would not be able to tell the race of either of your brains if they were removed from your body. So doesn't that tell you everything you need to know? ALL we are is our brain in a meatsack.

This has nothing to do with physical attraction which is a whole different can of worms, but please remember this when you meet people. You literally have to train yourself to stop thinking in stereotypes, but if you consciously check yourself enough times, you WILL get over it.

Don't beat yourself up because you're worried you're going to be a narrow-minded bigot your whole life. But just because you're not a bad person at heart and you didn't intentionally cultivate this predjudices, don't let yourself get away with it either.

Stop those thoughts as they come, and just remember we're all brains in meat-sacks that are different shades of tan with with different levels of muscle tone and more-or-less symmetrical faces.

Everything you want to know what makes a person tick is between their ears. Don't assume dress can tell you all that much either.

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