I think I am in search of an unconditional truth


At one point he addresses what you are talking about. I am in the same boat as you, although I may be further across the river. If you are doing any drugs, especially weed, amph, I would tone it down (My money is on: you are in college, approx 20yo, and male). These are only gonna make the lines blurrier, and if you are schizophrenic like John Nash it will bring that out harder. DO NOT let that word scare you, as you know mental "illness" is also a perspective, and this one allows you to see the world for what it is.

My advice to you:

Keep the world small

Trust yourself

Do not get cocky, doubt will save your ass

Do not trivialize everyday life

Keep your body strong and healthy, your mood will effect you more than you realize

Buddhism will help you tame these things, but it isn't going to change the way you feel or think. The fact is you are right, you see things that "normal" people cannot. It is a gift and a curse. For now, take the path of least resistance. Nothing anyone says here or anywhere else is going to change how you feel or provide the "holy shit" moment. If you have time, watch Nolan movies and the Matrix or V for Vendetta, read some DFW, learn about physicists and mathematicians (Godel), they wont give you answers you don't already have, but they will give you a context. It is a process to get comfortable with these thoughts. It will begin when you are ready to lay a foundation, but it may take time to get there.

The last thing I want to do is tell you a story:

My great uncle was a genius, graduated HS at 14. We were at a wake and he asked me if I was still going to Church. I started to lie, then said no. I explained how it didn't teach us about the self or how to deal with the world in our own heads. He smiled and laughed at me. I asked him if he knew the answer to my complaints. He said yes, but it is something I would have to find for myself. He died never having told me, but the answer I've come up with is this: conflict, or a lack of knowledge is at the center of who we are, the self doesn't exist without others, so if you are looking for purpose, you will find it in others. It may not be "right", but Nature doesn't care about "right", it only cares about necessity, and by virtue of being here you are just that. Do you, no matter how long it takes to figure out who that is.

/r/Buddhism Thread