i09 triggered from last night's episode

it is how they did it, not that they did it. in the same episode, right after, we got the uncomfortable meaningful look between eph and nora visually stating that she knew he didn't love her enough to even save her from a sexual assault because of what drives him. in the van. this article wasn't a feminist statement. when you read a feminist statement, you'll know it. they're generally not about tv shows. this was complaining that her storyline of this assault might be overshadowed, overlooked, trivialized, demoted, and passed over. where other characters have had flashbacks to their pain, to their past, to their deeper understanding of who they are for us...this character might get nothing else deeper than being used to sell this trope. that is the problem. we all have agreed that this show has it's problems with writing. even this sub is titiled, "we hate zach". so why are some here ragging on a article that rightfully says what so many have been saying all season long - that season 2 needs work. that's all anyone is saying. and even one person here states that in the books it was supposed to be drinking from the thigh. i would have loved to have known why drinking from the thigh was better. i suspect the medical reason, and it would have been awesome to just have anything explained. the scene with the chain, and the dragging across the floor started so awesome the previous episode. why couldn't they just take some time for this? a main character being almost eaten by eichhorst. uneven, flashback, which broke the drama, tension, and fear of the attack. most of us females don't care about avoiding the tension, the drama, the violence. we love the violence, it's realistic, it would be boring without it. we just want it told well, like everything else. there were things that broke up the fear, tension, and drama. and we won't get much else about this to make up for the break of tension, fear, and drama. it's supposed to be about tension, fear, and drama. that's why we watch it. this...was predictable. yeah, and for the record, most of us women who watch tv are too busy to actually be feminists. it's why we choose tv.

/r/TheStrain Thread Link - io9.com