Did some core members of Method just leave?

Statement from Sco: https://www.facebook.com/scostream/posts/629591700513799

Hey guys,

As you are probably aware already there are big changes happening in Method. There are a lot of issues at play that caused this, some more complex than others – a psychologist could probably write a novel on the situation. There has been a pretty bad atmosphere and strained relationships in Method, and while in the past the unified goal of pushing for world first has kept the guild together this is evidently no longer the case. In short a very basic summary of issues that caused separation;

• World of Warcraft, and more specifically hardcore raiding is in decline. There is a lack of competition; 2 Horse race versus Paragon each tier. The effort required to raid at a hardcore level (locked away for 2-3 weeks) is not necessarily enjoyed as much as it previously was. • People are motivated to play by different factors and at various levels, as always external factors like money are involved. • Lack of leadership. To state it plainly; the member’s faith in the officer team’s ability to lead due to motivation and drive wasn’t at its strongest. Over time there has been a ‘transfer of power’ between the officer team and the members. For example raid leading was done by Kuznam and certain other activities was being organised by members. • Different views on the Method expansion inside and outside WoW.

These issues have split the guild over time and various cliques have sprung up along the way damaging the ‘one team one dream’ nature. Unfortunately key people such as Kuznam (raid leader), Pottm (organised a lot for T18), and a few others have decided they would rather start afresh in a new guild alongside those they closely associate with. The remaining members are left with a choice and to cut straight to the point, many members will obviously follow the raid leader which is understandable.

In regards to the future for Method; there is 0 intention of letting the Method guild die. We will use the resources at our disposal to rebuild the guild. I have already been speaking to people externally and I have no doubt we will get something good going. The approach to expansion release and next tier will remain hardcore raiding and while world first will obviously be a stretch depending on how many core members we lose, we will still be aiming for the highest rank achievable. With the way the current raiding scene is at the moment, we are also investigating the possibility of streaming the entire progression. Will let you guys know more when I know more. Thanks for your support. Scott “Sco”

/r/wow Thread Link - eu.battle.net