Why is ICX down so much considering mainnet launch is in a week? Has it reached it's potential due to the supply?⁩ What do you think?

Nope, Korean FUD killed the market.

CNBC putting out an article headlined "KOREA TO SHUT DOWN ALL CRYPTO TRADING" was highly irresponsible and entirely false.

They are not closing exchanges, in fact, the government wants to work on regulating exchanges and they are only banning anonymous accounts.

Korea is a HUGE crypto market, 30% of working people in the country own some form of cryptocurrency. 65% of xrp (i know, bring the hate lol) is traded in Korea. If they like something, it catches on quick.

Being able to buy ICX with fiat on mainnet release (Jan 24th?) is going to make this coin so much more accessible to the masses while other exchanges may be down.

So better hop on the train now, it's still on a dip so might be a good time to accumulate

/r/helloicon Thread