If you had to describe how God views you and feels about you, what would you say?

I feel scared sometimes. God is scary like an earthquake is scary or the ocean is scary. I feel surrounded by Him.

I feel like it’s all I can do but beg Him for mercy. Sometimes I feel tiny. Like I am scrapping by in the desert outside of His Kingdom.

But this past Sunday, in mass, while the whole congregation sang “Kyrie eleision” together at once and my voice mixed with theirs and I saw the faces of the saints and martyrs looking down from their mosaics and the relics of people like St Maximilian Kolbe near to me and most of all the face of our Lord on the cross in the middle of it all I felt like I wasn’t alone. I felt brave. I felt courageous. I felt loved.

Their Jesus was my Jesus. Their God was our God. The God of the Martyrs and Prophets and every man, woman, child, and crying baby in the pew behind me was our God. Ours together.

We are so loved.

/r/NoFapChristians Thread