If Treehouse, CodeSchool and Codecademy are only considered starting points. What more is needed to ensure that you are employable?

People are having a difficult time answering your question because you haven't really stated what you want to do. Do you to work for a small, mid, large company? What do you enjoy doing? Front or Back end? Do you have any companies in mind you would like to work for? What is your timeline?

I was you, maybe 4-5 months ago, and I went through the same process.

If your goal is to work for a company that makes many websites, then learning about wordpress, and making quick sites that preform good would be useful.

If you want to work at a company that maintains a website, think about Uber, etc, then you might want to really practice your fundamentals, data structures, algorithms, how client/server side work, etc, while building apps that interest you.

Here's the thing though. Whatever you learn, each company may have different requirements. I suggest you look on www.dice.com, angel.co, indeed.com, and look at what are the common requirements to efficiently use your time for learning.

I would also use linkedin(for networking) as this is the perfect opportunity for a newbie to ask any question they feel like to professionals without some motive other than learning. If you're smart about this, you can also ask for employment if he/she thinks you're ready and you might be a good fit at their company.

About me: I have a decent portfolio, however I couldn't get my foot into the door for large enterprises(which is what I want). I recently got into hack reactor, and a few other bootcamps and will be attending one soon. I had some responses from companies that were looking for junior developers, but none I was interested in.

You can PM me if you have more questions or anyone else who might be in the same stage. I know how you feel, and time is of the essence, however this is one thing you need to take your time learning and doing because it is a very rewarding journey(from my perspective).

/r/webdev Thread