If you wanted more reasons to stop following "gaming" sites, this is it

Oooooh boy....

I Hope The Next Tomb Raider Isn't About Raiding Tombs

It's literally in the fucking name.

Take Tomb Raider: Legend, AKA the best game in the series.

The one that is the shortest?
The one filled with the worst gameplay-cutscene ratio?
The one with 2 very long and uninspired bike sections?


I mean, I don't disagree that those are great levels. Don't think it's an excuse to stay away from tombs though. Mix it up.

You’ve also got the Area 51 level, which is like a tomb, but also isn’t a tomb. Personally, I think that’s one of the worst, most unnecessarily complicated missions any Tomb Raider game has ever had...

It isn't anything like a tomb. It's also one of the series strongest levels.

You take the shorter, more self contained levels from the classic games, and use that to provide the game’s variety. Then, you add the gritty action, focus on sidequests, and mini open world feel of reboot.

How to lose even more of the fanbase 101

The latest games have already made most of the tombs optional...

Yep, and it's a garbage decision.

...the ones which aren’t really tombs - like figuring out how to explore a sunken Spanish galleon - are some of the most enjoyable.

Eh. That should be part of the challenge, not the entirety.

There’s another reason I hope the future games aren’t about raiding tombs too. It just feels a bit too much like stealing.

This is the strangest hill to die on.

Criticism of Shadow

Almost like this was addressed in a title 22 years ago...

If Lara tones down the coloniser mindset, gets to explore new settings instead of being stuck in one, and keeps up her reboot realism and character development, the next game’s marriage of old and new could be the best Tomb Raider yet.

More of the BS with even less tombs? Sure to be a smash hit.

/r/TombRaider Thread Link - thegamer.com