If you say you're homelessand yet legally own a car, is that not more of a choice?

There are probably things you are clueless about too.

Again sorry if I rubbed you off the wrong way. I use reddit sometimes to ask questions I wouldn't dare ask in person...

I know you're being sarcastic. It's not amazing but debilitating. It's just that for me, renting a house has been a lot easier than financing a car. For me, a house is more important than a car and easier to access. Some people may disagree. Okay.

I live in a place where there are hundreds and thousands of jobs within an 1 hour of public transport. I've had jobs before that are a 25 minute walking distance. I've made a bit of money online too. Yes I live in a small 1st world country. I'm aware of some things.

My current temp job is between 1-2 hours commute depending on buses. It's frustrating because by car it would be a 25 minute drive but I feel trapped. I can't afford a car and yet it seems so easy for some other people.

I'd like to be able to afford a car and rent independently. I just want to feel like I'm on the same level as the next well adjusted 21 year old. Honestly, I want to skip to 40 a lot of the time.

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