if youve heard of directdoggo get ready for

Springlocks Ending:Attend the day 5 birthday party and do a flip whilst wearing the suit.

Bad ending:Don't enter the saferoom or accept Purple Man's offer, but don't actually murder the 5 kids. Don't refuse the offer. Play as normal after that.

Mediocre ending:Tell Purple Man you'll save the kids and then don't save the kids.

The End:Tell Purple Man you'll save the kids. Repair the Happiest Day minigame on day 2 or 3. Set Freddy's Music Box to rickroll and leave it like that. Make and serve a pepperoni pizza. Give Bonnie his face back (found by searching around the pizzeria). Buy a crowbar and destroy the Salad bar in Pirate's Cove. Buy a firecracker and blow up the urinal. After that, speak to the puppet in the happiest day minigame. Attend the day 5 party, don't do a flip.

Awesome Ending: Either put your name as "DirectDoggo", or do the ending above and save Freddy Fazbenders from the health inspector (Randomly encountered), then go the office and spend your favour on a company doggo.

Gnarly Ending:Do everything Purple Man asks of you and activate both of the two suits.

Stuffed Ending:Kill the kids, attend the day 5 party, don't do a flip, either let Freddy scoop your brains out in the chase scene, or fight Freddy/Foxy and lose.

Soapy Ending:Do everything Purple Man asks of you and activate only one of the two suits.

Crafty Ending:Same as above and save Freddy Fazbenders from the health inspector (Randomly encountered), then go the office and spend your favour on getting Phone Guy to give you total immunity.

Bono Ending:Beat all of the main levels of the Breadbear arcade machine and then beat the bonus level.

Tragic Ending:Kill the kids, attend the day 5 party. Don't do a flip. Fight Freddy + Foxy and win.

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