IIN to rather be unemployed than working?

I think a lot of people feel that way to a degree. The problem is, from my experience working with people receiving unemployment benefits, once you stop working it is a very slippery slope to being unfulfilled. Activities that would once fill an evening are now all the person can manage in one day, anything more becomes anxiety provoking. People adjust to the new norm very quickly so the lack of responsibility which you now enjoy from being on vacation will soon become the norm and you will find something about it to be unhappy with.

If you are unhappy with the your current job or responsibilities then maybe try something else? Brainstorm; things you read or research about most, things you talk to others about most. Try to find your passion by simply looking at what you spend your time on now and see if there is something you can do for work in that area, it can be anything!

/r/isitnormal Thread