I'll start, Widowmaker should have alot more fall off damage

Oh and give up on PVE. It will never be as good as it is imagined in your head. You’re literally making them burn cash. If you gave up on that maybe they’d have more resources for the actual game. Enemy AI is going to be a joke to u after playing PvP so much lol. I just don’t get that either lol, I know their animated shorts were amazing (and have stood the rest of time, still jaw dropping amazing to this day) but I would put that more in the extremely talented 3D animators that managed to pack boatloads of emotion into a characters 2 frame glance. It’s kind of ironic that blizzard screwed themselves this epically. And I’m not actually salty or anything I’m kinda half joking but I think there’s some truth there lol.

/r/Overwatch_Memes Thread Link - i.redd.it