The greatest comeback strategy

r/overwatchuniversity in reply to your bastion post: just do "(insert very specific and coordinated effort that MOST of this community is incapable of)"

Us: I tried that.. my team wouldn't work with me

r/overwatchuniversity: talk to them

Us (console player): no one is in voice chat

r/overwatchuniversity: well take a risk and do it yourself

Us: I did that

r/overwatchuniversity: should have waited for your team

Us: I tried that before, they only trickle in

r/overwatchuniversity: you should have waited. you're just not positive enough.

Us: I wait, they just trickle in. I go in, they leave me out to dry and don't follow up on hooks, sleeps, or any other CC/ults

r/overwatchuniversity: it's your fault that your team isn't in voice chat, who won't pick bastion counters, and forgot how to use their hero's kit

/r/Overwatch_Memes Thread Link -