Why I'm leaving Elm

Based on GitLab’s post about it, it was very much a bug in their system when it came to private subprojects: https://about.gitlab.com/releases/2019/01/22/gitlab-11-7-released/#support-for-private-go-packages-in-subgroups

This is all completely off topic. The fundamental problem was not that Elm’s code quality sucks. It was that Elm required you to use a GitHub URL, and nothing else was acceptable. Anyone who complained was to told to just deal with it.

As far as I know, GitLab was the first to support subprojects on a major Git hosting platform. Whether the bug was with GitLab or Go... blocking support of subprojects wasn’t an intentional thing by anyone.

If the Go code was buggy, but tried to support more than just GitHub, then that isn’t relevant to the topic at hand.

/r/programming Thread Parent Link - lukeplant.me.uk