What was your Actual „We against the world“ Story?

My "we against the world" story is actually about my best friend and me. We met in middle school and quickly bonded over our shared love of music, art, and books. We were both a little bit quirky and didn't quite fit in with the other kids at school, but we didn't mind because we had each other.

As we got older, we faced more challenges. We both struggled with mental health issues, and we had some difficult family situations to deal with. But no matter what was going on in our lives, we always had each other's backs. We would stay up late on the phone talking about everything and nothing, and we would send each other songs and poems that we thought the other would like.

Eventually, we both went to different colleges and started to make new friends. We still talked all the time, but our lives were becoming more separate. Then, one day, my friend called me in tears. She had just found out that her dad had been diagnosed with cancer, and she didn't know what to do. I dropped everything and drove two hours to be with her. We spent the whole weekend together, just talking and listening and being there for each other.

Now, several years later, we live in different states and we don't talk quite as often as we used to. But whenever something big happens in our lives, good or bad, we know that we can always count on each other. Our bond is as strong as ever, and I know that no matter what happens, we will always be there for each other.

/r/AskReddit Thread