I'm Roman Catholic. AMA

I do not think it is a Biblical position to prohibit ministers of religion from marrying.

I'm happy that question marks have been eradicated from this argument. Here is some rhetoric for you.

You assert your right to interpret the bible with your own wisdom, and insist that everyone has that right. If everyone has that right, then therefore, the Catholic Church also has that right.

Of course, because everyone in the world can interpret the bible the way they please, there are bound to be differences in the 'truths' people discern. If two people discern two directly opposing truths from the same book, one of two things results: either one of them is wrong, or the book is fallible.

Because we both regard the Bible to be completely infallible, we have to conclude that one of those two people must be wrong.

We have both come to two polar understandings of the bible's position on married clergy, (By "we" I mean the Catholic Church and Protestantism,) therefore one of us must be wrong, and we must find out which one of us it is using an external source.

The key word in your statement is think. You cannot know the biblical position with complete infallible certainty without the power of God. This power would be helpful in this situation, as it would confirm one of our positions as Truth and this matter would never need to be discussed again.

This power exists, my friend. God knew this exact situation would arise and, in His ultimate wisdom, left this power among men so we could continue to discern Truth until He comes again. The Catholic Church claims this power, while the Protestant Churches reject it completely, despite its usefulness and necessity for discerning truth.

We arrive with two conclusions: 1) We can't interpret the Bible using ONLY our own consciences, we must have an external source that confirms the Truth. 2) The only entity that claims that authority (and has the credibility to back it up) is the Catholic Church.

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