Have any officers been through ASAP? Does it affect your career?

Something is not adding up. You say your life is "going nowhere", is "pretty bad", and you are "damn miserable".

But, you "enjoy your career" and want to "continue in the Army".

Why are you still in the Army? You obviously are not happy being an Officer. You can't tell me that this is just because you are depressed about the failed relationship. The Army is not leaving you fulfilled, and having a deleterious effect on your life. How do enjoy your career, but you are so miserable in it that you can't make it through the day without refueling on beer at lunch?

Get out. I did, and my life is much better. I work with motivated employees all day. I joined a company that's more tech/startup-like and I haven't seen a power point slide in 7 months. We adopted Slack to reduce worthless emails. I eat better food and am treated like an adult. The benefits go on. Yes there are other stresses - and life is not perfect. But, I no longer have to take a breather alone in my car before I park in my garage in order to decompress from my horrid staff job, the wankjob XO, and other inane garrison annoyances all so that I won't immediately ruin my family's day with my bad attitude.

Get out of the Army. Find something that makes you happy(because the Army is not). Don't be that schmuck officers that is miserable but stays until the bitter end for the retirement pension or thinks they can't hack in in the civilian world. I've seen countless officers like that. They do not became Generals, they do not became BDE CDRs, and for the most part they don't even get BN CMD. With an attitude like the one you got, you will be a low-speed mediocre staff weenie that will continue to never get a super fulfilling assigment or broadening opportunity that sucks you out of this miserable BDE staff death spiral you are on.

Do you really think it will get better. If you are this miserable and this detached from everything(not PT, not socializing with peers etc) do you really truly think you are going somewhere, anywhere of substance/fulfillment in the Army.

You are destined to continue this boring mediocre staff life unless you VERY QUICKLY shape up and start being high speed/motivated. Otherwise, start updating your resume, contact Alliance/Bradley-Morris/alumni groups, and start working on that transition. It might start giving you a purpose in life.

/r/army Thread