Listen to Summit1G on circles.

Your squad spent too much time in the gun fight and didn't make it to the next circle

Then you don't understand what Summit is saying.

If you're pinned behind a tree or rock or something in a gun fight, and you CAN'T go out into the open until you either engage them(Read: Go out of cover, charge them, and HOPE they don't peek you while you're out in the open because the game is third person), or you wait for the circle to close, run & die from the circle & people shooting at you or you wait for them to come out of cover, you get to kill them, but now you die to the circle.

The problem is there is one circle in particular that shrinks(There's 5 I believe), and this one in particular moves faster than the players so IF you do get in this pinned down mexican showdown fight where nobody can be a winner because the circle will get whoever plays chicken the longest, which you HAVE to do or you will just get shot while you're running away.

To put it very blunt, you are totally failing to understand the situation either because you aren't smart enough or you don't have enough game hours to understand the situation. Again, just being totally honest because you just don't seem to get it

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