Tribble Patchnotes - 1/16/15 - Spec Refinements & ... increased Daily R&D to 3 Projects!?


Tribble is being brought down for maintenance to update it to build ST.47.20150112a.3.

General: Resolved an issue which caused the Breen Sarr Theln carrier to not receive a bonus to draining when using the Breen Energy Siphon. Foundry: The Rogue Federation and KDF ground NPC Groups are now eligible components for Kill objectives. Added a "Specializations" entry to the Tribble Test Vendor at Drozana station. This vendor sells Specialization Qualifications for Intelligence and Command, as well as bundles of 5x Specialization Points. Added White Quality Command Bridge Officers to bridge officer requisitions available at all major social hubs.

Systems: Bridge Officer Training: Resolved an issue where Hazard Emitters 3 was classified as a Lieutenant instead of a Lieutenant Commander. Resolved an issue which was causing the Torpedo High Yield 3 Manual from not working. Romulan guards now have Romulan weapons instead of Klingon. Training Manuals can now be sorted properly in the Exchange. Numerous new icons have been hooked up. Command Bridge Officer Powers Concentrate Firepower: High Yield mode can now be triggered by any damage, instead of only torpedoes/mines. Reduced chance of High Yield proc, to compensate for increased weapons fire potential. Resolved a blinking FX issue. Resolved an issue that was preventing the friendly High Yield from being granted. Increased % of extra kinetic damage proc. Subspace Interception: Updated description to match re-designed usage restrictions. Call Emergency Artillery: Increased damage at all ranks by a small amount per tick. Updated costumes of Artillery Vessels for all factions Phalanx Formation: Rings are now only visible to allies. Changed description to match ability functionality. Updated timing on AOE damage and Warp-Out. Ambush Marker: Updated costumes & names of Ambusher ships for all factions. Rally Point Marker: Now summons at user's location, and no longer requires a Foe be targeted to activate. Remaining within the Marker now grants a modest Hull Regen, in addition to the other existing effects. Suppression Barrage: Removed the "cannot target enemy small targets" effect, as it was not functioning reliably. Added Accuracy debuff to suppressed foes. Reduced magnitude of Damage debuff at all ranks. Concentrate Firepower / Overwhelm Emitters: FX now scale with target size. Shock and Awe: Removed Chance to Disable. Replaced with "After X Damage, Disabled" effect. Updated descriptions to match current functionality. Take Cover: Now only makes allies immune to Knock, Repel and Stun/Hold. Updated descriptions to match current functionality. Resolved an issue that was preventing certain FX from playing. No longer affects turrets, drones, etc, only Players and Bridge Crew. No longer displays multiple buff icons when used. Sanctuary: Now affects self only. All other effects unchanged. Updated visual FX to match self-only functionality. Updated descriptions to match current functionality. Timely Intervention: Added a Heal-Over-Time effect to any ally that is saved by this ability. Updated descriptions to match current functionality. Command Officer Captain Specialization: Forward March: Sprinting Run Speed Bonus reduced from 10% to 5% Expose Weakness / Violent Detonation: Kinetic Damage Resistance reduction changed from 50/100/150 to 50/75/100 Tachyon Charges: Now scales with Weapons Training and Projectile Weapons Training, instead of Aux Power and Flow Capacitors. Increased base magnitude of drain Superfluous Emitters: Now applies for each teammate above 95% Health/Hull, instead of only at 100% Debilitating Weakness. Damage Debuff reduced from -30/-60 to -20/-40 Boost Morale / Revitalize Tooltip formatting adjusted to clarify cooldown differences. Resolved an issue where Bridge Officer traits were not functioning. Intelligence Team: No longer usable on a target that is Cloaked, or has Cloaking disabled such as from Charged Particle Burst. Descriptions updated to clarify that the Stealth applied by this ability affects Targeting only, and not visibility. Research and Development: The number of Research projects that can be slotted at any given time per R&D school has been increased from 1 to 3.

Content: “Empress Sela” Resolved an issue with the alarm playing the whole time while on the lower floor. There are no longer invisible walls blocking players from leaving the ground map. Resolved numerous typos throughout the episode. “Desperate Measure” Resolved an issue causing a missing head on a viewscreen. Assimilated Romulan ships look correct.

UI: The following ability icons have been adjusted based on player feedback: Medical Tricorder, Auxiliary to Battery, Auxiliary to Dampeners, Auxiliary to Structural, Emergency Power to Auxiliary, Emergency Power to Engines, Emergency Power to Shields, Emergency Power to Weapons, EPS Power Transfer, Extend Shields, Reverse Shield Polarity, Rotate Shield Frequency, Polarize Hull, Tractor Beam and Transfer Shield Strength. Resolved an issue where the open mission tracker would cover the personal mission tracker window.

Known Issues: New systems are currently a work in progress including: Captain Specialization Tree: Command Officer Bridge Officer Specialization: Command Officer Bridge Officer Training Revamp New Research and Development School: Officer Training All 3 classes are available to craft.

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