The Myth Behind Defensive Gun Ownership: Guns are more likely to do harm than good.

Reasonable people bring up cars because they kill tens of thousands of people a year, just in accidents. They are also commonly used purposely in the commission of crimes.

But killing is not the automobiles primary purpose, you can't say the same about the guns.

Practicality does not factor into the issue of rights. What would we lose if we just banned the Westboro Baptists from protesting? Nothing, really, but that would violate their free speech rights so we don't do it.

Talk about missing the point...sheesh! The only reason we are on this at all is because of the standard gun nut pivot to cars when they can't think of anything else to defend the indefensible.

Castrate all males to prevent rape. Everyone is just an unconvicted felon. Due process: You must be judged to have committed crimes before your rights are curtailed or removed. For some reason the most rabid, liberal, card-carrying ACLU member who fights for every right will suddenly throw the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th and 14th amendments out the window when the issue is guns.

Castrate all the men and the Earth depopulates. Throw all the guns in the smelter and we lose what again?

Probably the same way you compensate those who are dead from means other than firearms, which is many more people than from firearms.

Right, but as I pointed out economy requires automobiles. What do we lose again if all the guns go in the smelter? Right...30,000 people are suddenly not dead every year and doctors have to pull zero bullets out of people rather than the 100,000 they deal with every year now.

No, we don't. Also, you're counting suicides again, a common anti-rights fallacy. With our guns, this country has a relatively low suicide rate, so the guns aren't the problem, and their restriction is not a solution.

I see no reason suicides shouldn't be counted. When the gun is easier to lay your hands on than a handful of sleeping pills, something has gone very wrong.

Background checks won't work without registration and inspection. The inspection of course would be a serious 4th Amendment issue. You know who can't be required to register? People prohibited from owning guns.

I'd be willing to give it a try.

And if any one of those people is anti-rights, they say no for everyone. You really want your rights dependent on your asshole coworker?

The one you freaked out in front of that time you put your fist thru the wall? gun for you.


A real background check would talk to several people who know you. No one is getting shitcanned over what one person says....on the other hand. If more than one suggest you might not have the right temperament? gun for you.

Prohibitionists never think of unintended consequences.

Where exactly did I call for prohibition? All I am asking for is real-no-bullshit 100% background checks prior to purchase.

But then, when it's the innocent being hit by your proposals, that's probably intended.

30,000 gun deaths a year thanks to the tiny prosthetic penis club (and the billion dollar a year industry that supports them), and I am the one hurting innocents? That's rich..)

It doesn't matter how many innocent lives are ruined by your proposals as long as it reduces legal, responsible gun ownership.

Climb off that cross whenever you are ready, nutjob.

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