[META] Anyone interested in this idea for the sub?

So can you give us a little background on this one:

"Fucking shocking, those damn savage humans." Spat Gillitham Dendranite into his comms as he watched the minivision screen embedded in his suit helmet. Gillitham belonged to a semi sentient species of ant whos civilization thrived on the third moon of Gallumbits IV, Eshthotar Constellation. They sat by the side of an old dirt road filled with a neverending stream of refugees shuffling slowly along out of the cities in the distance behind them - the spectacular vista of the gas-giant and it's magnificent twin rings loomed out from the desert horizon ominously in the otherwise pristine blue skies that sunny day. "And we're thinking of colonising that place?" Gillitham's in-suit info-system offered an instant deep analysis of the far away planet, "sometimes High Command picks real weird ones." "It isn't fully decided," Gollopthiell Nandurite, his junior adjutant chimed in over his headset as they watched the stream of refugees shuffling along, "there are rumors that we're entirely mismatched in terms of scale. Astrobiology Division claims they're each at least fifty thousand times larger than we are." "Well okay then, we bring our big ships - what of they're sitting on something that just needs a mat-" his in-suit HUD flashed a warning message, enviro-sensors were picking up a bad pheremone signature within six clicks. His suit powered up to full battle limit and they both had time to glance at one another before their suits blasted into the sky on a ballistic trajectory. High up over the road Gillitham's helmet-HUD tracking cursor zeroed on the offending pheremone signature and the suit auto-acquired and readied for descent - Gilliathem ignored the soft, in-suit voice warnings as the ground rushed up to meet him and he came smashing into a ready/prone stance directly before the intransigent pheremone reading. Refugees scattered wildly around him. The suit's P.A. System was cranked up to full power and he barked an amplified question at the terrified refugee stopped in her tracks directly before him. "You there! Display a document readable pheremone passport immediately!" The refugee broke down and cried. He and his partner proceeded to eat the refugee alive. When they were done, Gillitham kept raging on about how savage human laws were. The End.

/r/islam Thread