Inspired by the Canadian and British empires, I present to you, America, FUCK YEAH!

We can expand the conversation if we all make an agreement to not get heated. I know that's funny to say with politics, and theres no guarantee cause it's reddit but I'm gonna be nice. The political issue stems from legal and illegal immigration. All countries have, and need a legal system for immigration. You don't have a functioning country, economy, or sovereignty without one. Ours is one of the better ones and we even let in refugees. We don't have many tough requirements to get in either. Some countries require you to have higher education, a family, naturalized in the culture (we have a far less significant version of this), money, etc. If you're not a fan of having individual countries, cultures, or languages then thats a whole other conversation. But the very definition of a country requires a system for immigration.

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