Insulated Groups and the Gamergate Discussion

I'm not going to do your work for you. I have done the research and interacted with plenty of Pro-GG people. Largely, they don't think they have anything to apologize for when it comes to Zoe Quinn or Brianna Wu and they demonstrate little to no sympathy for the harassment they received. I would love to be proved wrong, but I'm not going to dig through KiA to find what I know isn't there.

This is not doing my work for me. I asked if you want to write the question (which I will post and tabulate) in order to avoid any question that I'm manipulating it. I'll happily write it myself if that's what you want. I'll write exactly what I wrote above, and say that it's because someone who isn't pro-GG wanted to know how many agree with it.

But if you need people to apologize for others to count as meaningful condemnation then it's a total non-starter.

If we're in the same department or on the same team, yes, I might be asked to answer for his behavior. That's how being an adult works.

Sorry, I don't agree with this even slightly. And I'd be really amazed if other people do. Other mature, responsible adults. If my coworker is caught doing something illegal that I had no idea of I'm not apologizing for him. If I'm his boss then okay, it's my job to take responsibility. Not if I'm his coworker. I don't understand where you're coming from this at all.

Gamergate provides a community, a shield, and encouragement for such people. There are studies that show that saying things like 'don't feed the trolls' just makes them feel safer and more emboldened. If GG would consistently say 'this is shitty' instead of deflecting blame, there would be a hell of a lot less harassment.


I have never seen someone part of the GG community I'm familiar with (KiA) say a death threat or rape threat. If they did the post was deleted and the user was banned before I could see it.

I have never seen anyone extend support or encouragement for people doing it.

You seem to think that people who send out death threats anonymously are looking for approval from other people. Why would you seriously think that.

Right now, you are refusing to take responsibility for the behavior of Milo, Fart, RogueStar, RooshV, etc., but they all get support from GamerGate. This makes them stronger.

Those people don't give a shit if they're condemned or not. Ralph for example has specifically said all of the KiA posters who don't like him can go fuck themselves because he's not changing anything.

Anyway, none of THEM have given death or rape threats either (that I've known of). I'd really prefer if we could at least stick to that.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread