Interested in partnering on an English language learning site?

I was also planning a site with original content. I've been designing teaching materials for a few years now, including for EAP programs at well regarded universities, so I'm confident that I have the ability to do it. I've had some success with teaching private classes over the internet/Skype and selling material as PDFs, but obviously there's potential to make a lot more money by scaling up and selling course packages to multiple students. These would include video content, worksheets, interactive quizzes, etc. I also considered selling one-to-one video classes, VIPKID style. I know there are a lot of these providers around, but China is also a huge market, so I think there is still a lot of potential here if you were to offer something a little different/extra. Obviously this option would mean a ton of extra work (hiring teachers, background checks, etc.) compared to just creating content to be downloaded, and I'm not sure the extra work would be worth it.

I am definitely interested in making this happen. What's holding me back right now is the technical know-how - I am learning front end development, but am way off being able to create the kind of site I would want. Do you have this knowledge, or someone to provide it?

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