Is it a red flag if the guy I’m seeing has punched multiple holes in his bedroom walls?

It sounds like you haven't had this problem in your life

A bold assumption to make of a stranger, and incorrect, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm gonna throw out -

Option C: seek help and actively work to completely decouple rage and immediate physical violence. Take another look at my second paragraph above. There is an important difference between "I don't know how to fix walls but I've worked on it and those are from awhile ago" and "I'm not actually working on my anger issue, but I bought a thing that mostly won't break when I indulge in physical violence as a response". Sure the second one is technically better, but hardly reassuring in a potential partner.

If I'm OP, I'm on a date, I go home with a guy, and I find his bedroom (where I may wind up spending the night) covered in the scars of rage? That important difference makes a material difference to my own safety. If this dude is taking his mental health seriously, and seeking help, and acknowledges the bag as an intermediary step? And just hasn't gotten around to learning to repair drywall or hang sheetrock or whatever the fuck? Maybe.

If that hole is from last week? After he bought the bag? Because he had a vague bad day? He's got no business dating until he gets that shit under control.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent