I've come to a conclusion. People who dislike ((((((jews)))))) are losers.

I'm super pro-capitalism and I have no problem whatsoever with "cream rising to the top" so to speak (inb4 cum reference). That doesn't mean, however, that I can't point out the overwhelming amount of hypocritical behavior, vast amount of undeniable Hollywood propaganda and nepotism that is coming from Jewish elitists that operate almost like tribal groups, most noticeably in the US.

You know that in my country, I can get thrown in jail for "trivializing the holocaust"? You know how it feels like to have my fucking free speech rights nullified by ONE SINGLE powerful interest group? Will anyone ever dare to say "euh guys, you know.. this is actually against the fundamentals of freedom of speech guys.. It's not even about inciting violence, it's literally illegal to say you don't think the lampshade/soap business is historically accurate"? Ofcourse not, because noone ever dares to piss off the Jews. Everyone knows this, but we're not supposed to talk about it. Listen how sensitive O&A got when any serious discussion involving Jews came up.

Give me ONE reason why it would be in the interest of the US to start a war with Assad, destabilizing Syria further and pissing of Russia? Pro-tip: there isn't any. One reason and one reason only: Israel.

Ever notice how the two polar opposite news channels in the US (MSNBC,FOX) are both ridiculously pro-Israel and pro-Jewish in general? Look up who is in control at the top? Exactly.

I don't know why I'm arguing a drunk, but it feels good to get it off my chest.

PS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx

Marx was ancestrally Jewish

/r/opieandanthony Thread