I've seen some comments by older pedes saying liberals have always behaved the same way after a republican has won the election, what are some of your personal experiences with that?

I'm from a political family, thus, I've always been clued into partisanship. While in girl scouts, we were instructed to make signs accusing Reagan of wanting to start a Nuclear War and advocating a nuclear freeze to go on a protest to get a merit badge. My mother tried to talk to the scout leaders about the problems with bringing a girl scout troop to a anti-SDI (strategic defense initiative aka Star Wars) rally. It ended with my mother forming a new troop for me and my sister. I had my first post college job in 2000, after George W. Bush was elected. Democrats in my area were triggered and said Bush stole the election and the SCOTUS conspired to destroy democracy. Those allegations continued until 9/11. The phrase "Not My President" originated during that time period. I even remember bumper stickers. When Sen.Paul Wellstone died in a plane accident caused by black ice, Democrats openly accused the Bush administration of purposely sabotaging the plane. Paul Wellstone's memorial turned into a political rally and Republican and Independent politicians in attendance were explicitly heckled and booed while trying to pay respects to their colleague. Gov. Jesse Ventura left the memorial and Sen.Norm Coleman can be seen on film with his mouth pursed as thousands at the memorial publicly tried to shame him.

/r/The_Donald Thread