Ivermectin reduces covid-19 mortality by 92%, reports new study out of Southern Brazil

"They could literally stand next to any fancy-ass big Ikea lamp in their lab suits and tell me gibberish about the universe and I'd believe it"

I have no horse in this race, just wanted to interject this as I just ran across it in r/space. The post entailed talking about a new theory/ machine/process for detecting dark matter. No matter which/where/whatever side you're on, that has nothing to do with the point I'm trying to make. I also realize this person was stating this tongue in cheek but from the outside looking in I think there's a lot of significance to it.

Of course, this comment was regarding the universe and something not understood yet and I'm applying it to real world thinking but I think the analogy still fits. Just think about how many people had this type of thinking in the last 30 months. I'd be willing to bet there were and are ton of them, young and old.

Again, just trying to make a point, not trying to argue. I replied to you after you ended with "At the end of the day people pick what they want to believe"

/r/TimPool Thread Parent Link - citizens.news