So Jim, even if anonymous people give you positive feedback or praise, will you still bury them?

the reason I wouldn't bury them is because people saying something nice aren't saying something that they wouldn't come up to you and say in person.

OK agreed, but that's only because it's easy to say something nice to someone in person, not because those people are somehow above that internet anonymity that you rant about so often.

I have, over the years, met a few people who didn't know that I was aware of their 'alter egos' online. They were extremely nice in person, horrible online.

Really? I find that hard to believe. You met people who you somehow knew had online alter egos? How did you know that?

Look, Jim, I love you. I've defended you on here countless times. And it's nice to see you post here. But I know you read a shitload of the posts on this sub - because you pointed out on Rogan's podcast that you have no hobbies despite getting off work at 10am, and you got deep enough into the comments to know what euclid posted long after his original post had been deleted.

So if you're going to comment, don't be so selective in your responses. One of the most prominent thoughts in the other posts here is that it's hypocritical of you to call anonymous internet users "cowards" when you've seen directly (in Ant's case) how being honest on the internet using your real name can ruin your career. The users here would legitimately be much more supportive of you if you actually answered some of the more pressing questions honestly, rather than just appearing randomly to answer those you've found a safe answer to.

Again, Jim, I've always been a fan of you, as I'm sure many here are. But if you were more direct and honest with the fans, we'd like you a lot more.

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