Jim Norton argues with Judd Apatow about Louis CK's controversial stand up set. AUDIO (with Pete Holmes 01-15-2019)

Maybe if you're a weird 70 year old parent that doesn't understand the internet responding to 3 month old posts, then ya you're right. There's so many things at play here, 1 you don't know what Los is yet you're posting to this niche podcast subreddit, ari is a very popular comedian so you don't know comedians yet for some reason want to see this even more niche conversation? The main thing about reddit and this is I'm posting this for Los fans, not random people that use the search for drama. I gave the exact time, couldn't be more clear. But the biggest indicator to me is a simple YouTube search of these 2 people's names and the video of what I said comes up, you're being a cunt to this 3 month old post because of something inside of you, nothing to do with me.

/r/LegionOfSkanks Thread Parent Link - clyp.it