There is no way SFS will be held

Seriously: you ready for Coronavirus? (Spreading like fire)

Looks like it’s out of control.

Spreading like fire in Italy and USA

Why did USA allow a plane with 60+ people in it, some known contaminated(??) to simply go normally and “self quarantine”?? They should’ve been forced into special quarantine quarters immediately. T he virus can hide for 30 to 40 days. Yes, you read that right. The longest period now is 27 days confirmed but they’re obviously withholding information from us.

The way this thing spreads is insane. Almost as if it was a bioweapon.

In fact a perfect bioweapon has 3 conditions:

1 – It does not show symptoms for a long time so it can infect as many people as possible

2 – It does not kill quickly so it can infect as many people as possible

3 – It contaminates via air, touch and indirectly since the virus lives outside the body for weeks.

This shit really does look like the perfect bioweapon.

Are you ready for what’s next?

Stock up on disinfectants, water, batteries and meds. You will NOT be able to buy things very soon. sorce

In Italy supermarkets are getting emptied.

Get ready. Humankind is entering a new phase.

/r/LegionOfSkanks Thread