The jury has returned a verdict in the Chauvin trial, expect it to be read between 4:30-5:00 EDT

I hear you. I’m outside Portland and work downtown, last summer had a mix of thousands of peaceful protesters in the day who would leave, and then violent rioters who took over as it got dark. The rioters are at it again the last couple weeks, about 100 or so at any given time. I hope the anarchist dbags who destroy everything (last night it was the Boys and Girls Club aid center that was attacked, sponsored by the Portland Trailblazers, several of whom marched with us peacefully in the summer) with no affiliation to civil rights activism and who are condemned by the NCAAP don’t screw this up for everyone. This is a day of celebration and a collective release of breath for this round. May you and your activist babe have peace tonight!

/r/PrepperIntel Thread Parent