Just a request about my characters...

Mods, please do not take down this thread

Hello! I will confirm right off the bat that this account (not Warden) is an alt of Dekk. This means this post is from Dekk. As insurance, this will be done from a different computer and a different location by a different person and friend of his, but rest assured these are his thoughts that he wrote. These precautions are in place for a reason.

It is technically against reddit's rules to use an account to bypass the ban. As a result, only his idea and words will be used. This is also the reason Dekk cannot be Warden, reddit would have known and banned him completely. But, I digress. All of this, when combined with the fact that this account was a known alt approved before the ban by the mods, should be noted. All in all, by technicality, this post is not in violation of those rules. These are his words.

I apologize that this will only create more drama, but hopefully it's clear why I would want to do this.

I am here to inform the community of my situation, since the mods have chosen to stay silent. I hope that they respect this professionally written letter, as it will not blame nor attack anyone, thought the evidence and temptations exist to do so. As I was not able to say goodbye to the community, I will see that it occurs, even if I risk the chance of being banned from reddit completely. I only ask that the mods and members here respect this choice and do not do this, as this will be the only post on this sub by this account.

I am here, as I said, not only to address and inform the community and my friends, but also to refute my ban.

For my case I was banned solely because the mods felt I was a 'cancer to the sub' (trust me, to some degree, this is putting it lightly), it was m4scoo was banned for godmodding. I wish I was joking on that it was a behavioral ban only, and not due to offense or breaking the rules. I don't want to leave, I really love TGRP, but unfortunately that is not my decision. I just wish that I was banned for a reason. M4scoo clearly had multiple accounts of godmodding, racism, and inappropriate behavior in the sub. All in all, I did not godmod, or break any site/sub given rules. I also refute the claims that I did actions without the approval of the other mods, which I will later address to clear my name. For now, 'why' I was banned.

I, however, whether the mods admit it or not, was banned for no violation of behavioral conduct on the subreddit, and I broke no rules. As you can see here in the official ban, there was no reason listed other than behavioral. I wasn't even allowed to stay on discord like promised.

What's more, even if my behavior was inappropriate, which is up for debate, it was on the separate platform of discord, and should not affect my situation in Reddit.

Furthermore, it is scary that the mods banned me for behavior, not just because it didn't break the rules, but because of the implications. As a former friend and mod of these people, banned, how does that forebode for the community? It's scary.

Overall, if possible, it would really, really mean something to me if you showed this message too. I've tried to appeal my ban, but they won't listen. Maybe getting the community involved is best, I don't know. Maybe that's the worst possible thing to do.

And now I get to watch them make my characters die in ways that don't make sense... Because Kana didn't have RC cell suppressants for 13 years and only lost an arm, she didn't die. And, in the course of what, a few weeks? Not only did she die, she went to a meeting with her potential biggest enemy in her weakest state. It is everything OOC for her. JVK disease does not have 'death' listed under the symptoms. It is not a deadly disease, only chronic. It never was.

I've already been told to expect the same thing for Sierra and Hiro. Despite what I tried to be for this community, I didn't even get to write their deaths. The entire reason of Sierra joining the CCG, which at this point I'll spoil (Sierra was going to become our Arata) was likely going to be denied. Madi is being grabbed at, and threatened to be killed. Everything I built isn't just gone, its being abused, twisted in ways I never intended.

Now, to clear my name from the false claims that I was a 'rogue' mod. I know Joker has claimed that both exposing the Ravens and moving Sierra to the CCG were rogue moves on my part. This was not the case.

In the former, I discussed it in a friendly PM with Fog as we always talked, and he said I should ask before posting. So, I asked Sky (Qvalador), and she was okay with it. I then, under the impression Alistair was going to lead the Ravens (so of course asking Taiga made sense. I never knew Joker made the Ravens)

I ask both here

Clear approval. No 'me going rogue'. I was never 'going against orders'

As for Sierra going to the CCG? I kid you not, I came up with that and got sky's permission in the first week I was here, waaaay before I was a mod. I could find it, but it will take me a bit since it was on Reddit and I have since received hundreds of comments from this RP.

Overall, the behavioral ban wasn't even based in my mistakes as a mod. No violation of the rules, no on-site behavior, and debatable off site behavior (I only expressed my confusion and frustration with the new arc system, never targeting, insulting, or harassing anyone)

And since we mods and ex-mod are so biased, I turn to you.

Do you think I should be banned

I have prepared two completely anonymous polls for you to take, if you are willing. If not, do not worry. I will not take offense if so.

First though, let me discuss the contract of behavior I will be forced to follow.

If needed, I will:

  1. Will not use the discordapp service, should it be deemed needed.

  2. Will not make any OOC comment otherwise comment unless directly relating to the flow and situation of the RP. I will be my characters and my characters only.

  3. Give up my positions of power, in exchange to keep my characters. Kana, for example, might not be the leader of Aogiri, and maybe Hiro is betrayed and thrown out from the WGR. This way, the mods will not have to deal with me in a position of power or control

  4. I will kill off one of my three in order to return to the two characters. I leave this to be determined. I may, if the mods demand, even kill off two, but I would like a say in this.

Now, the polls

Was the banning of DekktheODST (or even Warden) Just?


Should the ban be appealed?

I thank you for reading, and I apologize for the damage this post may cause. Just know that I loved this community, and every second since my ban has been fighting to just return to you, my friends. I wouldn't do this if I didn't care about all of you. If this does not progress further, and this is my last post I can make, then goodbye. You all meant so much to me.


/r/tgrp Thread