Just started throwing axes, I need help.

Your axe will fall around you if you do not move. However, after the axe has left your hand, before it hits an enemy, if you move around the axe will fall around the general direction of where you're headed.

Keep in mind that your axe will always fall just short behind you, so you might have to use S to stop Draven momentarily to allow him to catch it.

You also do not have to be in the center of the marker to catch it. Being just in range of the circle should allow you to catch it, this might be a little more advanced than others.

E-Flash is a nice way to catch those cancer pussy adcs with escapes, it is also as dangerous to your mental health if your support picks their nose while you commit to an engage, idk

I mean

Throw medium sized stone at lux and crush pussy ezreal head like bug

/r/Draven Thread